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812 lines
File: CMApplication.h
Contains: Color Matching Interfaces
Version: Technology: ColorSync 2.0
Release: Universal Interfaces 3.0d3 on Copland DR1
Copyright: © 1984-1996 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
Bugs?: If you find a problem with this file, send the file and version
information (from above) and the problem description to:
Internet: apple.bugs@applelink.apple.com
#ifndef __TYPES__
#include <Types.h>
#ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
#include <Quickdraw.h>
#ifndef __FILES__
#include <Files.h>
#ifndef __PRINTING__
#include <Printing.h>
#ifndef __CMICCPROFILE__
#include <CMICCProfile.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
enum {
kDefaultCMMSignature = 'appl'
/* Macintosh 68K trap word */
enum {
cmTrap = 0xABEE
/* PicComment IDs */
enum {
cmBeginProfile = 220,
cmEndProfile = 221,
cmEnableMatching = 222,
cmDisableMatching = 223,
cmComment = 224
/* PicComment selectors for cmComment */
enum {
cmBeginProfileSel = 0,
cmContinueProfileSel = 1,
cmEndProfileSel = 2
/* Defines for version 1.0 CMProfileSearchRecord.fieldMask */
enum {
cmMatchCMMType = 0x00000001,
cmMatchApplProfileVersion = 0x00000002,
cmMatchDataType = 0x00000004,
cmMatchDeviceType = 0x00000008,
cmMatchDeviceManufacturer = 0x00000010,
cmMatchDeviceModel = 0x00000020,
cmMatchDeviceAttributes = 0x00000040,
cmMatchFlags = 0x00000080,
cmMatchOptions = 0x00000100,
cmMatchWhite = 0x00000200,
cmMatchBlack = 0x00000400
/* Defines for version 2.0 CMSearchRecord.searchMask */
enum {
cmMatchAnyProfile = 0x00000000,
cmMatchProfileCMMType = 0x00000001,
cmMatchProfileClass = 0x00000002,
cmMatchDataColorSpace = 0x00000004,
cmMatchProfileConnectionSpace = 0x00000008,
cmMatchManufacturer = 0x00000010,
cmMatchModel = 0x00000020,
cmMatchAttributes = 0x00000040,
cmMatchProfileFlags = 0x00000080
/* Result codes */
enum {
/* General Errors */
cmProfileError = -170,
cmMethodError = -171,
cmMethodNotFound = -175, /* CMM not present */
cmProfileNotFound = -176, /* Responder error */
cmProfilesIdentical = -177, /* Profiles the same */
cmCantConcatenateError = -178, /* Profile can't be concatenated */
cmCantXYZ = -179, /* CMM cant handle XYZ space */
cmCantDeleteProfile = -180, /* Responder error */
cmUnsupportedDataType = -181, /* Responder error */
cmNoCurrentProfile = -182, /* Responder error */
/* Profile Access Errors */
cmElementTagNotFound = -4200,
cmIndexRangeErr = -4201, /* Index out of range */
cmCantDeleteElement = -4202,
cmFatalProfileErr = -4203,
cmInvalidProfile = -4204, /* A Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid */
cmInvalidProfileLocation = -4205, /* Operation not supported for this profile location */
/* Profile Search Errors */
cmInvalidSearch = -4206, /* Bad Search Handle */
cmSearchError = -4207,
cmErrIncompatibleProfile = -4208, /* Other ColorSync Errors */
cmInvalidColorSpace = -4209, /* Profile colorspace does not match bitmap type */
cmInvalidSrcMap = -4210, /* Source pix/bit map was invalid */
cmInvalidDstMap = -4211, /* Destination pix/bit map was invalid */
cmNoGDevicesError = -4212, /* Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available */
cmInvalidProfileComment = -4213, /* Bad Profile comment during drawpicture */
/* Color Conversion Errors */
cmRangeOverFlow = -4214, /* Warning that some output color values over/underflowed and were clipped */
/* Other Profile Access Errors */
cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile = -4215, /* Illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified */
/* NamedColor Errors */
cmNamedColorNotFound = -4216 /* namedColor not found */
/* deviceType values for ColorSync 1.0 Device Profile access */
enum {
cmSystemDevice = 'sys ',
cmGDevice = 'gdev'
/* Commands for CMFlattenUPP(...) */
enum {
cmOpenReadSpool = 1,
cmOpenWriteSpool = 2,
cmReadSpool = 3,
cmWriteSpool = 4,
cmCloseSpool = 5
/* Flags for PostScript-related functions */
enum {
cmPS7bit = 1,
cmPS8bit = 2
/* Abstract data type for memory-based Profile */
typedef struct OpaqueCMProfileRef* CMProfileRef;
/* Abstract data type for Profile search result */
typedef struct OpaqueCMProfileSearchRef* CMProfileSearchRef;
/* Abstract data type for BeginMatching(...) reference */
typedef struct OpaqueCMMatchRef* CMMatchRef;
/* Abstract data type for ColorWorld reference */
typedef struct OpaqueCMWorldRef* CMWorldRef;
/* Caller-supplied flatten function */
typedef pascal OSErr (*CMFlattenProcPtr)(long command, long *size, void *data, void *refCon);
/* Caller-supplied progress function for Bitmap & PixMap matching routines */
typedef pascal Boolean (*CMBitmapCallBackProcPtr)(long progress, void *refCon);
/* Caller-supplied filter function for Profile search */
typedef pascal Boolean (*CMProfileFilterProcPtr)(CMProfileRef prof, void *refCon);
typedef UniversalProcPtr CMFlattenUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr CMBitmapCallBackUPP;
typedef UniversalProcPtr CMProfileFilterUPP;
typedef CMFlattenProcPtr CMFlattenUPP;
typedef CMBitmapCallBackProcPtr CMBitmapCallBackUPP;
typedef CMProfileFilterProcPtr CMProfileFilterUPP;
enum {
uppCMFlattenProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
uppCMBitmapCallBackProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(Boolean)))
uppCMProfileFilterProcInfo = kPascalStackBased
| RESULT_SIZE(SIZE_CODE(sizeof(Boolean)))
#define NewCMFlattenProc(userRoutine) \
(CMFlattenUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMFlattenProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewCMBitmapCallBackProc(userRoutine) \
(CMBitmapCallBackUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMBitmapCallBackProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewCMProfileFilterProc(userRoutine) \
(CMProfileFilterUPP) NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMProfileFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
#define NewCMFlattenProc(userRoutine) \
((CMFlattenUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewCMBitmapCallBackProc(userRoutine) \
((CMBitmapCallBackUPP) (userRoutine))
#define NewCMProfileFilterProc(userRoutine) \
((CMProfileFilterUPP) (userRoutine))
#define CallCMFlattenProc(userRoutine, command, size, data, refCon) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMFlattenProcInfo, (command), (size), (data), (refCon))
#define CallCMBitmapCallBackProc(userRoutine, progress, refCon) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMBitmapCallBackProcInfo, (progress), (refCon))
#define CallCMProfileFilterProc(userRoutine, prof, refCon) \
CallUniversalProc((UniversalProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppCMProfileFilterProcInfo, (prof), (refCon))
#define CallCMFlattenProc(userRoutine, command, size, data, refCon) \
(*(userRoutine))((command), (size), (data), (refCon))
#define CallCMBitmapCallBackProc(userRoutine, progress, refCon) \
(*(userRoutine))((progress), (refCon))
#define CallCMProfileFilterProc(userRoutine, prof, refCon) \
(*(userRoutine))((prof), (refCon))
typedef long CMError;
/* For 1.0 and 2.0 profile header variants */
/* CMAppleProfileHeader */
union CMAppleProfileHeader {
CMHeader cm1;
CM2Header cm2;
typedef union CMAppleProfileHeader CMAppleProfileHeader;
/* Param for CWConcatColorWorld(...) */
struct CMConcatProfileSet {
unsigned short keyIndex; /* Zero-based */
unsigned short count; /* Min 1 */
CMProfileRef profileSet[1]; /* Variable. Ordered from Source -> Dest */
typedef struct CMConcatProfileSet CMConcatProfileSet;
/* ColorSync color data types */
struct CMRGBColor {
unsigned short red; /* 0..65535 */
unsigned short green;
unsigned short blue;
typedef struct CMRGBColor CMRGBColor;
struct CMCMYKColor {
unsigned short cyan; /* 0..65535 */
unsigned short magenta;
unsigned short yellow;
unsigned short black;
typedef struct CMCMYKColor CMCMYKColor;
struct CMCMYColor {
unsigned short cyan; /* 0..65535 */
unsigned short magenta;
unsigned short yellow;
typedef struct CMCMYColor CMCMYColor;
struct CMHLSColor {
unsigned short hue; /* 0..65535. Fraction of circle. Red at 0 */
unsigned short lightness; /* 0..65535 */
unsigned short saturation; /* 0..65535 */
typedef struct CMHLSColor CMHLSColor;
struct CMHSVColor {
unsigned short hue; /* 0..65535. Fraction of circle. Red at 0 */
unsigned short saturation; /* 0..65535 */
unsigned short value; /* 0..65535 */
typedef struct CMHSVColor CMHSVColor;
struct CMLabColor {
unsigned short L; /* 0..65535 maps to 0..100 */
unsigned short a; /* 0..65535 maps to -128..127.996 */
unsigned short b; /* 0..65535 maps to -128..127.996 */
typedef struct CMLabColor CMLabColor;
struct CMLuvColor {
unsigned short L; /* 0..65535 maps to 0..100 */
unsigned short u; /* 0..65535 maps to -128..127.996 */
unsigned short v; /* 0..65535 maps to -128..127.996 */
typedef struct CMLuvColor CMLuvColor;
struct CMYxyColor {
unsigned short capY; /* 0..65535 maps to 0..1 */
unsigned short x; /* 0..65535 maps to 0..1 */
unsigned short y; /* 0..65535 maps to 0..1 */
typedef struct CMYxyColor CMYxyColor;
struct CMGrayColor {
unsigned short gray; /* 0..65535 */
typedef struct CMGrayColor CMGrayColor;
struct CMMultichannel5Color {
unsigned char components[5]; /* 0..255 */
typedef struct CMMultichannel5Color CMMultichannel5Color;
struct CMMultichannel6Color {
unsigned char components[6]; /* 0..255 */
typedef struct CMMultichannel6Color CMMultichannel6Color;
struct CMMultichannel7Color {
unsigned char components[7]; /* 0..255 */
typedef struct CMMultichannel7Color CMMultichannel7Color;
struct CMMultichannel8Color {
unsigned char components[8]; /* 0..255 */
typedef struct CMMultichannel8Color CMMultichannel8Color;
struct CMNamedColor {
unsigned long namedColorIndex; /* 0..a lot */
typedef struct CMNamedColor CMNamedColor;
union CMColor {
CMRGBColor rgb;
CMHSVColor hsv;
CMHLSColor hls;
CMLabColor Lab;
CMLuvColor Luv;
CMYxyColor Yxy;
CMCMYKColor cmyk;
CMCMYColor cmy;
CMGrayColor gray;
CMMultichannel5Color mc5;
CMMultichannel6Color mc6;
CMMultichannel7Color mc7;
CMMultichannel8Color mc8;
CMNamedColor namedColor;
typedef union CMColor CMColor;
struct CMProfileSearchRecord {
CMHeader header;
unsigned long fieldMask;
unsigned long reserved[2];
typedef struct CMProfileSearchRecord CMProfileSearchRecord;
typedef CMProfileSearchRecord *CMProfileSearchRecordPtr;
typedef CMProfileSearchRecordPtr *CMProfileSearchRecordHandle;
/* Search definition for 2.0 */
struct CMSearchRecord {
OSType CMMType;
OSType profileClass;
OSType dataColorSpace;
OSType profileConnectionSpace;
unsigned long deviceManufacturer;
unsigned long deviceModel;
unsigned long deviceAttributes[2];
unsigned long profileFlags;
unsigned long searchMask;
CMProfileFilterUPP filter;
typedef struct CMSearchRecord CMSearchRecord;
/* GetCWInfo structures */
struct CMMInfoRecord {
OSType CMMType;
long CMMVersion;
typedef struct CMMInfoRecord CMMInfoRecord;
struct CMCWInfoRecord {
unsigned long cmmCount;
CMMInfoRecord cmmInfo[2];
typedef struct CMCWInfoRecord CMCWInfoRecord;
enum {
cmNoColorPacking = 0x0000,
cmAlphaSpace = 0x0080,
cmWord5ColorPacking = 0x0500,
cmLong8ColorPacking = 0x0800,
cmLong10ColorPacking = 0x0A00,
cmAlphaFirstPacking = 0x1000,
cmOneBitDirectPacking = 0x0B00
enum {
cmNoSpace = 0,
cmRGBSpace = 1,
cmCMYKSpace = 2,
cmHSVSpace = 3,
cmHLSSpace = 4,
cmYXYSpace = 5,
cmXYZSpace = 6,
cmLUVSpace = 7,
cmLABSpace = 8,
cmReservedSpace1 = 9,
cmGraySpace = 10,
cmReservedSpace2 = 11,
cmGamutResultSpace = 12,
cmRGBASpace = cmRGBSpace + cmAlphaSpace,
cmGrayASpace = cmGraySpace + cmAlphaSpace,
cmRGB16Space = cmWord5ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
cmRGB32Space = cmLong8ColorPacking + cmRGBSpace,
cmARGB32Space = cmLong8ColorPacking + cmAlphaFirstPacking + cmRGBASpace,
cmCMYK32Space = cmLong8ColorPacking + cmCMYKSpace,
cmHSV32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmHSVSpace,
cmHLS32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmHLSSpace,
cmYXY32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmYXYSpace,
cmXYZ32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmXYZSpace,
cmLUV32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmLUVSpace,
cmLAB32Space = cmLong10ColorPacking + cmLABSpace,
cmGamutResult1Space = cmOneBitDirectPacking + cmGamutResultSpace
typedef unsigned long CMBitmapColorSpace;
struct CMBitmap {
char * image;
long width;
long height;
long rowBytes;
long pixelSize;
CMBitmapColorSpace space;
long user1;
long user2;
typedef struct CMBitmap CMBitmap;
/* Classic Print Manager Stuff */
enum {
enableColorMatchingOp = 12,
registerProfileOp = 13
enum {
cmNoProfileBase = 0,
cmFileBasedProfile = 1,
cmHandleBasedProfile = 2,
cmPtrBasedProfile = 3
struct CMFileLocation {
FSSpec spec;
typedef struct CMFileLocation CMFileLocation;
struct CMHandleLocation {
Handle h;
typedef struct CMHandleLocation CMHandleLocation;
struct CMPtrLocation {
Ptr p;
typedef struct CMPtrLocation CMPtrLocation;
union CMProfLoc {
CMFileLocation fileLoc;
CMHandleLocation handleLoc;
CMPtrLocation ptrLoc;
typedef union CMProfLoc CMProfLoc;
struct CMProfileLocation {
short locType;
CMProfLoc u;
typedef struct CMProfileLocation CMProfileLocation;
/* Profile file and element access */
extern pascal CMError CMNewProfile(CMProfileRef *prof, const CMProfileLocation *theProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x001B, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMOpenProfile(CMProfileRef *prof, const CMProfileLocation *theProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x001C, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMCloseProfile(CMProfileRef prof)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x001D, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMUpdateProfile(CMProfileRef prof)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0034, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMCopyProfile(CMProfileRef *targetProf, const CMProfileLocation *targetLocation, CMProfileRef srcProf)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0025, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMValidateProfile(CMProfileRef prof, Boolean *valid, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0026, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetProfileLocation(CMProfileRef prof, CMProfileLocation *theProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x003C, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMFlattenProfile(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long flags, CMFlattenUPP proc, void *refCon, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0031, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMUnflattenProfile(FSSpec *resultFileSpec, CMFlattenUPP proc, void *refCon, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0032, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetProfileHeader(CMProfileRef prof, CMAppleProfileHeader *header)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0039, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetProfileHeader(CMProfileRef prof, const CMAppleProfileHeader *header)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x003A, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMProfileElementExists(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, Boolean *found)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x001E, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMCountProfileElements(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long *elementCount)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x001F, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, unsigned long *elementSize, void *elementData)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0020, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, unsigned long elementSize, void *elementData)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0023, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetProfileElementSize(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, unsigned long elementSize)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0038, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetProfileElementReference(CMProfileRef prof, OSType elementTag, OSType referenceTag)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0035, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetPartialProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, unsigned long offset, unsigned long *byteCount, void *elementData)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0036, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetPartialProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag, unsigned long offset, unsigned long byteCount, void *elementData)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0037, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetIndProfileElementInfo(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long index, OSType *tag, unsigned long *elementSize, Boolean *refs)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0021, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetIndProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long index, unsigned long *elementSize, void *elementData)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0022, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMRemoveProfileElement(CMProfileRef prof, OSType tag)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0024, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetScriptProfileDescription(CMProfileRef prof, Str255 name, ScriptCode *code)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x003E, 0xABEE);
/* Low-level matching functions */
extern pascal CMError NCWNewColorWorld(CMWorldRef *cw, CMProfileRef src, CMProfileRef dst)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0014, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWConcatColorWorld(CMWorldRef *cw, CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0015, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWNewLinkProfile(CMProfileRef *prof, const CMProfileLocation *targetLocation, CMConcatProfileSet *profileSet)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0033, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CWDisposeColorWorld(CMWorldRef cw)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0001, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWMatchColors(CMWorldRef cw, CMColor *myColors, unsigned long count)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0002, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWCheckColors(CMWorldRef cw, CMColor *myColors, unsigned long count, long *result)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0003, 0xABEE);
/* Bitmap matching */
extern pascal CMError CWMatchBitmap(CMWorldRef cw, CMBitmap *bitmap, CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc, void *refCon, CMBitmap *matchedBitmap)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x002C, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWCheckBitmap(CMWorldRef cw, const CMBitmap *bitmap, CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc, void *refCon, CMBitmap *resultBitmap)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x002D, 0xABEE);
/* Quickdraw-specific matching */
extern pascal CMError CWMatchPixMap(CMWorldRef cw, PixMap *myPixMap, CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc, void *refCon)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0004, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CWCheckPixMap(CMWorldRef cw, PixMap *myPixMap, CMBitmapCallBackUPP progressProc, void *refCon, BitMap *resultBitMap)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0007, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError NCMBeginMatching(CMProfileRef src, CMProfileRef dst, CMMatchRef *myRef)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0016, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CMEndMatching(CMMatchRef myRef)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x000B, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void NCMDrawMatchedPicture(PicHandle myPicture, CMProfileRef dst, Rect *myRect)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0017, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CMEnableMatchingComment(Boolean enableIt)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x000D, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError NCMUseProfileComment(CMProfileRef prof, unsigned long flags)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x003B, 0xABEE);
/* System Profile access */
extern pascal CMError CMGetSystemProfile(CMProfileRef *prof)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0018, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSetSystemProfile(const FSSpec *profileFileSpec)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0019, 0xABEE);
/* External Profile Management */
extern pascal CMError CMNewProfileSearch(CMSearchRecord *searchSpec, void *refCon, unsigned long *count, CMProfileSearchRef *searchResult)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0027, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMUpdateProfileSearch(CMProfileSearchRef search, void *refCon, unsigned long *count)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0028, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CMDisposeProfileSearch(CMProfileSearchRef search)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0029, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSearchGetIndProfile(CMProfileSearchRef search, unsigned long index, CMProfileRef *prof)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x002A, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMSearchGetIndProfileFileSpec(CMProfileSearchRef search, unsigned long index, FSSpec *profileFile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x002B, 0xABEE);
/* Utilities */
extern pascal CMError CMGetColorSyncFolderSpec(short vRefNum, Boolean createFolder, short *foundVRefNum, long *foundDirID)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0011, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetCWInfo(CMWorldRef cw, CMCWInfoRecord *info)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x001A, 0xABEE);
/* PS-related */
extern pascal CMError CMGetPS2ColorSpace(CMProfileRef srcProf, unsigned long flags, CMFlattenUPP proc, void *refCon, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x002E, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetPS2ColorRenderingIntent(CMProfileRef srcProf, unsigned long flags, CMFlattenUPP proc, void *refCon, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x002F, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetPS2ColorRendering(CMProfileRef srcProf, CMProfileRef dstProf, unsigned long flags, CMFlattenUPP proc, void *refCon, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0018, 0x0030, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMGetPS2ColorRenderingVMSize(CMProfileRef srcProf, CMProfileRef dstProf, unsigned long *vmSize, Boolean *preferredCMMnotfound)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x003D, 0xABEE);
/* ColorSync 1.0 functions which have parallel 2.0 counterparts */
extern pascal CMError CWNewColorWorld(CMWorldRef *cw, CMProfileHandle src, CMProfileHandle dst)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0000, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError ConcatenateProfiles(CMProfileHandle thru, CMProfileHandle dst, CMProfileHandle *newDst)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x000C, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMBeginMatching(CMProfileHandle src, CMProfileHandle dst, CMMatchRef *myRef)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x000A, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CMDrawMatchedPicture(PicHandle myPicture, CMProfileHandle dst, Rect *myRect)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0009, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError CMUseProfileComment(CMProfileHandle profile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0xABEE);
extern pascal void CMGetProfileName(CMProfileHandle myProfile, CMIString *IStringResult)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x000E, 0xABEE);
extern pascal long CMGetProfileAdditionalDataOffset(CMProfileHandle myProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x000F, 0xABEE);
/* ProfileResponder functions */
extern pascal CMError GetProfile(OSType deviceType, long refNum, CMProfileHandle aProfile, CMProfileHandle *returnedProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0005, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError SetProfile(OSType deviceType, long refNum, CMProfileHandle newProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0006, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError SetProfileDescription(OSType deviceType, long refNum, long deviceData, CMProfileHandle hProfile)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0010, 0x0010, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError GetIndexedProfile(OSType deviceType, long refNum, CMProfileSearchRecordHandle search, CMProfileHandle *returnProfile, long *index)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0014, 0x0012, 0xABEE);
extern pascal CMError DeleteDeviceProfile(OSType deviceType, long refNum, CMProfileHandle deleteMe)
FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x000C, 0x0013, 0xABEE);
/* constants */
typedef CMFlattenProcPtr CMFlattenProc;
typedef CMBitmapCallBackProcPtr CMBitmapCallBackProc;
typedef CMProfileFilterProcPtr CMProfileFilterProc;
enum {
CMTrap = cmTrap,
CMBeginProfile = cmBeginProfile,
CMEndProfile = cmEndProfile,
CMEnableMatching = cmEnableMatching,
CMDisableMatching = cmDisableMatching
/* 1.0 Error codes, for compatibility with older applications. 1.0 CMM's may return obsolete error codes */
enum {
CMNoError = 0, /* obsolete name, use noErr */
CMProfileError = cmProfileError,
CMMethodError = cmMethodError,
CMMemFullError = -172, /* obsolete, 2.0 uses memFullErr */
CMUnimplementedError = -173, /* obsolete, 2.0 uses unimpErr */
CMParamError = -174, /* obsolete, 2.0 uses paramErr */
CMMethodNotFound = cmMethodNotFound,
CMProfileNotFound = cmProfileNotFound,
CMProfilesIdentical = cmProfilesIdentical,
CMCantConcatenateError = cmCantConcatenateError,
CMCantXYZ = cmCantXYZ,
CMCantDeleteProfile = cmCantDeleteProfile,
CMUnsupportedDataType = cmUnsupportedDataType,
CMNoCurrentProfile = cmNoCurrentProfile
enum {
qdSystemDevice = cmSystemDevice,
qdGDevice = cmGDevice
enum {
kMatchCMMType = cmMatchCMMType,
kMatchApplProfileVersion = cmMatchApplProfileVersion,
kMatchDataType = cmMatchDataType,
kMatchDeviceType = cmMatchDeviceType,
kMatchDeviceManufacturer = cmMatchDeviceManufacturer,
kMatchDeviceModel = cmMatchDeviceModel,
kMatchDeviceAttributes = cmMatchDeviceAttributes,
kMatchFlags = cmMatchFlags,
kMatchOptions = cmMatchOptions,
kMatchWhite = cmMatchWhite,
kMatchBlack = cmMatchBlack
/* types */
typedef CMCMYKColor CMYKColor;
typedef CMWorldRef CWorld;
typedef long *CMGamutResult;
/* functions */
#define EndMatching(myRef) CMEndMatching(myRef)
#define EnableMatching(enableIt) CMEnableMatchingComment(enableIt)
#define GetColorSyncFolderSpec(vRefNum, createFolder, foundVRefNum, foundDirID) CMGetColorSyncFolderSpec(vRefNum, createFolder, foundVRefNum, foundDirID)
#define BeginMatching(src, dst, myRef) CMBeginMatching(src, dst, myRef)
#define DrawMatchedPicture(myPicture, dst, myRect) CMDrawMatchedPicture(myPicture, dst, myRect)
#define UseProfile(profile) CMUseProfileComment(profile)
#define GetProfileName(myProfile, IStringResult) CMGetProfileName(myProfile, IStringResult)
#define GetProfileAdditionalDataOffset(myProfile) CMGetProfileAdditionalDataOffset(myProfile)
/* PrGeneral parameter blocks */
struct TEnableColorMatchingBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
THPrint hPrint;
Boolean fEnableIt;
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct TEnableColorMatchingBlk TEnableColorMatchingBlk;
struct TRegisterProfileBlk {
short iOpCode;
short iError;
long lReserved;
THPrint hPrint;
Boolean fRegisterIt;
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct TRegisterProfileBlk TRegisterProfileBlk;
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma import off
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __CMAPPLICATION__ */